Gretchen Mack
Fort Mill, SC
One of AIM's most active Members, Gretchen
Mack, has qualified for AIM's highest level--the Chairman's Club. Her journey to success
began in 1986.
"I started with AIM because of my belief in AIM Barleygreen, and I have
continued because of the joy I feel when I share it with others. For example, right now I
am working with a young woman in Russia who is really excited about the results she has
gotten since she started taking AIM Barleygreen caplets. That is what motivates
me--people feeling better."
Gretchen's interest in health, however, goes back to long before she became an AIM
Member. As an infant, her daughter, Gina, had health problems. When Gretchen was looking
for ways to help Gina, she came across Adelle Davis' book, Let's Have Healthy Children.
It provided the answers that Gretchen was searching for.
"The main emphasis of the book is vegetables--especially, green vegetables. So I
started feeding Gina a mixture of five types of green vegetables and apple juice that I
made in the blender. It helped her a great deal. By the time she was 12, she placed fifth
in the world in the 1,500 meters--the most demanding event in swimming."
The experience taught Gretchen the value of green foods, and prepared her for the day
(many years later) when she discovered AIM Barleygreen.
"Currently, I have three friends who have cancer. This is a disease that people
didn't used to talk about. But there are steps that people can take. One of the main
things to remember is that you need to change your diet. I am doing everything that I can
to help my friends change their diets, but, of course, it's their choice; either they will
decide to make the dietary changes that can help them or they will decide not to."
Gretchen's concern for others has taken her across North America--and around the world.
As an AIM Member, she has traveled to every state in the United States, and to many of the
Canadian provinces. She has attended AIM conventions in Boise, ID; Oxnard and San Diego,
CA; Banff, AB; Orlando, FL; Toronto, ON; and San Antonio, TX. She estimates she has
members of her organization in most of the major U.S.cities.
In addition, she has Members around the globe. She has traveled to Australia, Europe,
Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China.
"They can be awfully tiring trips, but in the end, they are always worth it. I
plan on going back to Australia sometime this year."
Gretchen feels that regular meetings are one of the keys to building a successful
business. That is why she has sponsored a convention for the last 23 years in Charlotte,
"The momentum begins to build. People came the first year and had a good
experience, so they came back the next year. I expect the numbers to be even bigger in the
Gretchen also spends time doing missionary work around the world, including trips
delivering Bibles to China.
"In the end, it's all about helping people," she said.